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Menopause is a hot topic on social media and amongst many celebrities and influencers. However, sometimes it is difficult to sift through the myriads of information to find the real answers. 


At Milestone, we have compiled a list of evidence-based online patient resources that you can rely on for scientific information.  


• Menopause Quick 6 - An approach to menopause developed by Canadian Family Physician Dr Susan Goldstein


• The Canadian Menopause Society is a leading source of information on menopause for physicians and patients: 


• The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists who provide the facts on Menopause from Canadian experts.


• The Menopause Foundation of Canada was created to raise awareness of the impact of menopause on women and society


• A journey through menopause - insights from the experts with video interviews of trained menopause specialists on specific menopause subjects


• Gynecology Improvement Improvement Collaboration produced by expert gynecologists in Canada


• Osteoporosis Canada


• Dense Breasts Canada


• The British Menopause Society Women's Health Concern Factsheets


• The Menopause Society


• How to find a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner (MSCP)


• International Menopause Society



Get Informed

Instagram Accounts To Follow

Stay informed and empowered with evidence-based insights on these must-follow Instagram accounts of menopause experts and physicians in Canada #EvidencedBasedMedicine #HealthTips #StayInformed

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